The Annual China Business Club meeting: A Report

March 8, 2019
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Over 50 executives, representing companies already operating or interested in the Chinese market, convened for the annual meeting of the China Business Club in Israel. These closed-forum meetups started out as an update meeting for PTL Group’s clients and have been growing since, covering a broader range of topics and addressing a larger audience. To this day, the China Business Club provides an ideal opportunity to get up to date about China and network with other companies by discussing market changes and trends, learning about new tools and getting specialist advice on issues associated with running an operation in the Chinese market.

With the aroma of fresh coffee and pastries, and stormy weather outside that added some drama, the meeting opened with a short review of the China Business Club heritage, introduction of our new branding and an invitation to visit our new website.


Arie Schreier, General Manager of PTL Group, provided a comprehensive review of the changes that have taken place in China’s business environment over the past year. He talked about the political changes, which are evident in growing nationalism, closer regulation and changes in the government’s business support policy; structural changes in the government ministries, which are reflected mainly in system consolidation, better coordination and information sharing by the tax authorities and banks; new laws and regulations, including import and taxation reforms and legislation updates on e-commerce, patents and more; Arie concluded with a review of the new business trends in China, as well as the government’s goals for 2025. In particular, Arie elaborated on the implications that all of these changes have for the ongoing management of foreign business in China today.

Arie then moved on to discuss the topic that was chosen for this meeting: establishing and running a foreign company in China (WFOE). The extensive experience he and his team have amassed in registering, setting up and managing foreign companies in China was delivered to the participants in an enlightening presentation on the factors to consider before setting up a WFOE and the recommended management practice in view of the multiple changes taking place in China.

In conclusion, Arie commented also on the favorable developments at PTL Group over the past year. He shared many interesting figures with the audience, including the 118 companies that we served in 2018; the 60 companies that entered into a contract with us; and the 23 British companies that became our new customers.

Additional topics that came up at the meeting:

Zvi Shalgo, founder and owner of PTL Group, talked about the China-USA trade war and its impact on European and Israeli companies.

Ilan Bass, head of PTL Group’s UK desk, who has livedin China for many years and speaks Chinese, talked about managing and resolving conflicts in China through a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

Jasper Zhang, PTL Group’s deputy director of operations, provided updates and practices on Human Resources  issues, and facilitated a discussion on recruitment, employment, leave entitlements, terminations and more.

It was heartwarming to welcome dozens of executives that share a common interest to the China Business Club once again. The morning meeting proved productive and fruitful! We would like to take the opportunity to thank our long-standing customers, including Kramer Electronics, our successful customers for 18 years; AfiMilk and HaBonim, which have been working with us for 15-16 years and continue to perform; Tower Jazz, Solcon, ACS and Tuttnauer, our customers for the past 9-10 years, and the many more that we serve in China. Thank you for the confidence that you place in us year after year!

the PTL Group team

PTL Group provides management and operational support for international companies throughout their market entry and growth stages in China. Our clients come from Europe, USA, Australia and the Middle East, and operate in a wide range of industries. We help them to stabilize business infrastructures, reduce expenditures, tighten risk control and shorten time-to-market. Having an in-house experienced team of experts on the ground in China for almost two decades has proved highly valuable for our clients.

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