Solve Mistakes in Expanding to China – a podcast summary with Arie Schreier

October 29, 2020
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Solve Mistakes in Expanding to China - a podcast summary with Arie Schreier


Solve the Most Common Mistakes in Expanding to China
A podcast summary with Arie Schreier

Whilst international companies seeking to enter the Chinese market are certainly aware of some of the potential challenges that they might face, the reality has proven time and time again that in spite of a company’s early preparedness, some mistakes are usually unavoidable.

Arie Schreier, PTL Group’s General Manager sheds light on this matter in a Podcast Interview with Howard Whiteson, from Wealth Without Borders.

In the 8 questions in 8 minutes interview, Arie also shares tips and solutions for those who are starting a business in China or considering doing so.

It’s all about communication

One of the most “typical symptoms” that international companies experience during their China market entry are lapses in communication. A lack of transparency between the HQ and the local team in China, a shortage of knowledge or proper understanding will mean that any problems arising in China cannot be easily resolved.

The lesson then to be learnt is not to face operational challenges alone! Instead, turn to a professional and experienced local third party, who could bridge help facilitate management, proper communication and could plug these gaps altogether.

Professional Knowledge

Another tip Arie shares is to join online groups and follow relevant blogs or forums. There are so many online hubs be they on social media or websites that have amassed extremely useful information. They are an infinite resource of real-life knowledge that has been accumulated over years of international companies doing business in China.

Examples of such assets and forums:

More insights and ideas are elaborated on in the interview. But the main takeaway message is to remember that the problems faced by companies at the onset of their China journey aren’t inherently unavoidable. With determination, dedication and the right partner by your side, you can side-step the potential pitfalls and ensure your business’ success in the Chinese market.

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