HS Code Evaluation


Free HS Code Evaluation, Provided by PTL Group

Many foreign companies importing products into China use the same HS Code and have been paying the same level of duty for many years.
It is important to check whether the HS Code is the one most suitable for your products. This is why:

  • China is trying to make importation easier. Often, some products have updated HS Codes that result in cheaper import duty rates.
  • The import process can be influenced by the level professionalism and the relationship that an import agent has with the customs authorities; An effective agent will present the products and documents more accurately in order to negotiate lower duty rates.
  • China is signing many treaties with different countries. Under certain treaties, your products may have preferential duty rates.

At PTL Group, we will provide you with a free initial evaluation of your first product HS Code, to ascertain whether a better duty rate for your products exists.

To obtain our free HS Code evaluation for your first product, please fill out the following form and we will contact you for further details. If you prefer, you can also send us this enquiry by email.