Throughout 19 years of steady operations, robust growth and visible results, PTL Group has perfected a winning operational support model for international companies entering the Chinese market. We help companies enter the Chinese market, set up shop, streamline and expand their business, and tend to daily operations and management.
Recently, we decided to reshape our brand identity, in order to ensure it truly reflects who we are at this point in time. The following aspects have been taken into consideration:
- The range of clients who require our solutions has grown significantly: Today, we provide services in China to companies from multiple countries and from a broad range of sectors, some of which did not exist when we first started out.
- Market changes and evolving customer needs have spurred us to provide international companies – some of which specialize in software, media and unique technological equipment – with a comprehensive response better aligned with their operational needs in China.
- The digital and mobile evolution has prompted us to adapt our visual language: Our logo was designed over a decade ago, when smartphones and social networks played little role, if any, in conceptual design thinking. Today, corporate logos and visual communication must be flexible enough to accommodate various applications and speedy marketing dynamics.
We came to the conclusion that change was inevitable.
As we gratefully part with the logo that has served us thus far, we are proud to introduce PTL Group’s new look:
The Tagline
EMPOWER YOUR CHINA OPERATION is a call for action. It is a tagline that underscores the importance of establishing the right operational infrastructure and employing professional operational management in China.
Our experience has taught us that the quality of China-based managerial and operational foundations determine, to a large degree, companies’ business success and growth potential in the Chinese market. This is what we do best. We will gladly make our expert services available for your need, as well.
Going Forward
Rebranding is only one step of many that we are taking. Today, with international technological companies arriving in China in large numbers, we at PTL Group must ensure that our services are up to date and fully responsive to future demands. Our long-standing leadership position is the result of continuous development, constant fine-tuning and China business acumen.
We invite you to visit our revised website. Let us know what you think, and help us kickstart a new era in digital marketing.
**You too can have a company in China, learn more about Market Entry Operational Support .