WFOE Registration – An Overview

Last updated: Apr 2024
Regulations Guide to WFOE Establishment, Registration & Liquidation

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to setting up a WFOE in China. The following section details the various WFOE registration steps. PTL Group specializes in company registration in China. We make sure that China company registration is done right, and is supported by extensive operational support for registered entities. This is where our knowledge and expertise really make a difference.

WFOE Registration – An Overview


Before submitting the application

  1. Decide on the company structure, business scope and capital amount and prepare the required documents from the HQ
  2. Address leasing (5 working days)


Application submission

  1. Online application for company name and business license in China (5 working days)
  2. Approved forms are signed by HQ
  3. Approval of business license (10 working days)
  4. Record of WFOE setup


After application is approved 

  1. Order official seals (Chops) (2 working days)
  2. Open RMB account & Foreign Currency account (10-15 working days; When working with PTL Group’s partner bank, the basic RMB account can be opened within one day, and the foreign currency account can be activated within the same week).
  3. Tax registration (1-2 working days)


Please note: The above timeline is an estimate and is subject to changes by local authorities in each district

At PTL Group, we specialize in registering and managing foreign-owned entities in China. Get in touch today and let us support your China operations.

Last updated: Apr 2024